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1   What is the objective of the Zynity Leadership™ concepts and online tools?

To provide a set of tools that will help management teams work together better. The tools are designed to be powerful, easy to use and deal primarily with the “big” issues of the organization and its management team. For example, each of the Tools are designed to first answer a “big” question that management needs to address at all times.

The Advanced version in The Managing Suite has the following set of Tools:

  • Main Trax™ (Keep the Main Things The Main Thing) What are the major priorities for this team?
  • Weekly DnAs™ (Weekly Deliverables and Activities) What is each member expected to make happen this week?
  • Role DnAs™ (Role Deliverables and Activities) What is each member expected to do and accomplish for their area?
  • C-Vyoos™ (Customer View of Your Organization’s Operations) What are the steps required from beginning to success for customers?
  • M2M Metrics™ (Measure to Manage Metrics) What must be measured in order to manage the organization properly?
When all these are in use – each one on the team will be:
  • overtly aware of the overall priorities
  • know and be able to make comments about each other’s goings on and remain connected daily in a private environment
  • have current clarity on what is expected of one another in their respective positions
  • know how what they do fits within and impacts the customers’ experiences and the activities of one another
  • know what is being measured and what needs management attention

2   What is especially unique about the Macro-Managing™ tools?

These personalized tools allow the organization and individuals to input their own information so it is specific to their world. It is a connected and cohesive set of tools available all in one website used to focus the macro management process and establish a context within which the details can be managed more efficiently and effectively.

3   What is needed to get started?
Read through the sections on the website to become familiar with the content and purpose of Macro-Managing™. Register your organization as a Subscriber. Follow the prescribed steps to set up the organization profile. Establish the proper groups ‘Tables’ for the organization and invite the members to the Table. Read through the Quick Start Guide and follow the instructions and guidelines.

4   What is a version of a Tool?
A version is a selected part or subset of each tool’s capabilities rather than all the capabilities and features of a Tool.

5   What is a Tool Kit?
This is a set or versions of more than one of the tools that work well together.

6   Why is the pricing of the tools complicated?
There is more than one tool. There are basic and graduated versions of each of the tools. The versions allow users and tables to select their own versions and groupings of the tools and move to use next versions on a schedule that is right for them. We do not want our customers paying for capabilities they are not using. Each version and tool requires a bit extra for us to maintain, enhance and serve customers.

7   What is a Deliverable?
It is a tangible item such as a report or document or signed contract that is complete unto itself.

8   What is an Activity?
It is an item that takes time but does not result in a completed tangible item. It includes meetings, reviews, preparation, research and other important activities.

9   What is a C-Vyoo™?
It is a tool that identifies and documents in a prescribed form and format the steps required to attract, engage, serve and grow in relationship with customers. It also serves as a way to demonstrate how an organization is structured to serve its customers. It also itemizes the reporting necessary to successfully measure and manage each of the steps.